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New B.C. Water Sustainability Act changes regulation requirements for freshwater storage structures

Photo description: Progress Energy’s largest dam in NE BC with berm height of 22.89m, Average height of all 29 dams is 5.33m.

The regulations for freshwater dams constructed in B.C. by the oil and gas industry changed in 2016 as a result of the B.C. government’s new Water Sustainability Act, which took effect at the end of February last year.

In 2015, in advance of the new regulations taking effect, Progress Energy proactively worked with regulators and external experts to conduct a thorough review of its freshwater storage structure inventory to identify which ones needed to be reclassified as dams under the new Act and which of those would require long-term licenses.

The work undertaken for the review:

The regulatory paperwork review is underway.

The company values its relationships with all regulators, communities and stakeholders, and will continue to work collaboratively with them to ensure full compliance with all applicable requirements.